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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Men's skin care 101

Alright guys, it's time you get a little lovin' on the blog!

I feel like everything I'm about to cover is going to be so far fetched and that just isn't cool. Men's skin care is just as important as women's. I have decided to keep it simple, and just cover the basics so that I don't ambush you with alien like concepts. For those guys who do take care of your skin, props to you!

Before we get started here are a few skin care facts:

  • Skin is the biggest organ of the body
  • Men's skin is 20% more oily than women's
  • Men have larger pores than women
  • Men spend more time damaging their skin than women

Lets talk cleansing-

It's normal for men to have oily skin, some men are more oily than others even. Thankfully, this is why we have products to help control oil. I'm not saying you need to stick oil blotting sheets in your back pocket, but to help reduce oil simply wash your face every morning.

Now I know some of you may already do this while in the shower, but how many of you actually use a cleanser specifically for the face? I BEG YOU PLEASE DO NOT USE THAT HORRIBLE BAR OF SOAP. Bar soap should just have a label on it that says: PERFECT WAY TO DAMAGE AND DRY OUT THE SKIN!

I suggest buying a cleanser specifically for the face. For men it's best to buy one that cleans deep. A deep cleaning cleanser will help get excess dirt out of the pores which will then reduce oil.

If you really want to take extra care of your skin, wash your face at night as well to get dirt and debris from the day out of your pores.

Exfoliating is another way of cleansing the skin. I suggest exfoliating at least 3 times a week. Exfoliating gets dead skin cells off of the skins surface which allows for a more refreshed and healthier appearance. This process also unclogs pores and allows products absorb better.

Let's talk moisturizing-

Men do something that is extremely irritating and drying to facial skin, and that is shaving. When you shave, your pores open up and water escapes. When water escapes skin becomes dry. This is why it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to moisturize. 

I'm sure a majority of you already use after shave, which is important because it soothes the skin after shaving. Sorry to say it, but that is not enough. Now some after shaves do contain moisturizers, however I still suggest buying an actual moisturizer to use after applying after shave.

Another extremely important reason to moisturize is um well... men aren't exempt from aging!!! Moisturizing is the best way to keep skin feeling and looking healthy, and the sooner you start is the better!

If all this wasn't too much already, how about eye cream? I know I am about to make your morning even more complicated but eye cream is very important for men. Again men age just like women do, and the most visible sign of aging for men is the skin around the eyes. Start fighting aging now by getting an eye cream.

Following these tips and taking care of your skin properly will allow you to be more confident. Also women are attracted to men who take care of themselves! Start taking care of your skin now guys so you aren't sorry later!

I expect every guy I know to have fabulous skin next time I see you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Thanks for giving us men some attention. ;)

    Jeffrey Paul Bobrick
    Singer and Songwriter


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