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Monday, February 18, 2013

Buyer Beware!

This is another post that is going to start to save your life. Sound like a bold statement? I'm serious, cutting out processed crap will add years onto your life, just as stuffing your face with procesed crap will take years OFF of your life. Who wants that?!

Processed foods are a harmful chemical landfill. From MSG, to nitrates, to chemicals I can't even pronounce and chemicals that I'm sure you've never even heard of before! Processed food companies do a great job at making sure we do not know what their products really contain. I mean if we did, who would buy them!? Here's a look into some false advertising by processed food companies..

Remember years ago when it was discovered that MSG (monosodium glutamate) was bad? A ton of companies started to remove MSG from their products and advertise on their labels 'no MSG.' One brand that comes to mind right away is Campbell's soup. Well many brands decided to take MSG out of their products, or so we thought.

What's the point in taking MSG out when you're just going to replace it with an alternative? Yup that's exactly what these sneaky companies did. You surprised? I'm not! This is the price to pay when you mess with processed foods. Unfortunately people aren't aware.

In my process of cutting out processed foods I came across some things I had left in my pantry from 3 years ago when I didn't know a thing about cooking. One such item included a pre made stir fry sauce. I would NEVER even think about using anything pre made today. I deiced to look into the product a little bit more and I came across some false advertising.

This product advertises on its label 'no MSG'
MSG is also not listed in the ingredients

La Choy proudly advertises no MSG because, yes its true this product does not contain the official MSG but an MSG alternative. How sneaky! Take a look..

Campbell's was huge with advertising no MSG...
How about when companies went crazy to advertise that their product did not contain trans-fats? Well they lied about that too! Check out this example...

Last product we'll look into today is one that for years many people were lead to believe was a 'healthier' alternative to butter...

Wait, did I read that correctly? I Can't Believe it's Not butter, contains a chemical that is on the FDA'S toxicity watch list?! Of course that wasn't stated on the label! 

Shocking isn't it?

I am highly against processed foods. Start eliminating them from your diet today to live a longer, healthier, chemical free life!

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